Saturday, March 22, 2008

Idealog - Why?

I have been keeping an idea log for a while. Capturing of ideas seem to take place in different places in different forms with different tools.

Here are some ideas on jotting down ideas:

  • A notebook (still the most favorite medium)
  • (Since ideas are triggered by web pages where most of my reading happens)
  • In my mobile phone (when I am away from my machine)
  • In my desktop wiki (this used to be a word document and then a google notebook)
  • In a private blog
  • Finally, this public blog
The idea of keeping an idea log has evolved over time. This is the new home.

Ideas are triggered by several things - a piece of text, a passing thought, a fragment of a conversation, another idea . Ideas trigger other ideas. I am sure somewhere in the world others are have similar thoughts. If you are one of those, and if any of these ideas seem even remotely interesting, let us start a dialog.

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